
Generate Referrals and Repeat Deals With the Best CRM for Realtors

February 1, 2023

Once you’ve mastered a process for capturing leads and you have a large database of prospects, how do you keep them warm? This is just one question among many that you need to consider when building up your real estate business. Maintaining a steady stream of business means giving equal attention to new leads and past clients, who are essential for generating referrals and repeat deals.

Here are some tips to keep your real estate transaction pipeline flowing:

  • Personalize your follow-up
    To build a genuine relationship with leads and past clients, you need to tailor your follow-up for each individual. Touch base with clients to share information that you think will be of interest to them. Connect with them whenever an important milestone comes up. Communicate with clients in different ways — call them, email, send an old-fashioned letter. Be sure to use the same casual, friendly tone you would use with family or friends — leave the sales pitch at home.
  • Follow up for at least a decade
    Real estate is all about playing the long game. According to the National Association of Realtors, as of 2018, the median duration of home ownership in the U.S. was 13 years. This means you need to consistently follow up with past clients over several years if you want to stay top of mind when they’re contemplating selling or buying. The same goes for getting referrals and keeping new leads warm: regular follow up over many years helps ensure your name is always the first one that comes to mind.
  • Do something unique and memorable
    Stand out from the crowd by doing something unexpected in your follow-up communications with leads and past clients. While there’s something to be said for traditional communications like newsletters, surprising clients — say, with a gift card on their birthday or with tickets in the mail to a local home tour — is a good idea because surprises are memorable and clients are likely to share this with friends and family.
  • Stay top-of-mind with the best CRM For realtors

    Developed by real estate agents for real estate agents, AFrameSoftware has created the best CRM for realtors. AFrameSoftware’s CRM platform helps automate follow up with:

    • Touch date reminders that ensure you never miss an important milestone in your client’s lives, while giving you a good reason to reach out and connect
    • Lead tracking that enables you to keep close tabs on hot buyer and seller leads while storing information such as conversation history, potential income, and more, so you don’t lose track of little details
    • Import/export function that allows you to easily import contact data from any source so you don’t miss capturing a single lead. You can also create customized exports for mailing lists and email marketing


    To learn more about why AFrameSoftware’s platform is the best CRM for realtors, visit our website or email us at